The BBC was trying to do an article covering the Perseid meteor shower. Well they did a largely fair job on it, well almost.

No special equipment is required to watch the shower, which occurs when Earth passes through a stream of dusty debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle.

Yeah that's fine.

The meteors appear to come from a point called a "radiant" in the constellation of Perseus - hence the name Perseid.

Yup that's fine.

Astronomers say up to 100 meteors per hour are expected to streak across the sky during the shower's peak.

One person won't actually see 100 per hour, maybe three or four people looking at different parts of the sky might see closer to that sort of number.

But this year, light from the last quarter Moon will interfere significantly with the view.

Yes it will.

Astronomers say binoculars might help with viewing the spectacle, but will also restrict the view to a small part of the sky.

No sane astronomer would ever say that, you'll never see any meteors through binoculars. Don't bother even bringing binoculars with you, unless you plan to have a look at the Moon (best to do once you go outside so it doesn't ruin your dark adaption), or some of the open clusters in the region.