Astrology not only wrong, its lunacy of the worst kind

It was bound to happen, a simple mix-up between astronomy (the science) and astrology (the rubbish) on the forums. Here's science coming to demolish absolutely any claims that astrology predicts things accurately, or has any other "magical" links to human beings. I'll focus on the star-sign stuff as that's what Wester was on about in his post on the forums. Astrologers claim the other planets effect our daily lives here on the Earth, depending on where they were when we were born, and where they are in the present day....

Thursday, 29 September 2005 · 5 min · Paul Smith

I really hate astrologers

They should all be lined up in front of a wall and shot - and anybody who takes their mumbo jumbo seriously. Look at this from the BBC: Hours after a Nasa probe crashed into Comet Tempel 1, legal reverberations were felt in a Moscow court. But Judge Litvinenko opened hearings into a case which could see Nasa pay a local amateur astrologist millions of dollars in damages. Right, not a good start....

Tuesday, 5 July 2005 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Anti-Big Bang forces at it again

Recently NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory detected solid (well as solid as anything gets in this arena) evidence that one of the most distant quasar lies 12.7 billion light years away. The anti-Big Bang crowd have gone into overdrive over this, claiming that the Big Bang theory is "obviously wrong" as how could something like a quasar form so quickly after the Big Bang, which is estimated to of happened 13.7 billion years ago....

Wednesday, 1 December 2004 · 1 min · Paul Smith